Saturday, November 24, 2018

Welcome to Mr. Woodruff's class blog

Welcome to Mr. Woodruff's class blog. We will work together as a class to post important information relevant to room 9 students. Please check the blog daily for the most current updates.


  1. hi mr woodrufff i miss you!!!!!!!

  2. Hi mr woodruff hope you are safe with your family. We are waiting for online homework. Where do we a get it. Thanks

  3. Hello Mr Woodruff hope you are doing well. Im having hard time finding the online book " The day the crayons quit". Can you please guide me? I tried to find it on the links you shared on your slides too.
    Thank you

    1. We aren’t able to access an online version of the book, but the words to the book are visible in the video. He can read along with the video. I hope this helps

  4. The kids are hiding and spying on the monster while he is watering the flower
