Sunday, April 12, 2020

At Home Learning and Google Classroom

Hi room 9,

Our plan for learning for the week of April 13 will come in a Google Slides file or a PDF. To access these documents go to the Taradale School website at the link below. The slides will guide you through the learning that is required. If you have any questions. Feel free to email me.

In order to facilitate our ongoing learning at home, I have created a Google Classroom  where we can communicate and share files and assignments. We will continue to develop and implement this resource over the coming days. To access the Google Classroom, accept the invitation I emailed to your school Gmail. We will also make use of Google Meet available at or as an app in the app store. We will use Google Meet to video chat as a class or in small groups as needed.

Enjoy the learning experience the teachers at Taradale School have worked together to create. It will be fun and engaging and will help maintain habits of learning. I look forward to connecting with you in a variety of ways. I am here to help you through this new experience.

Mr. Woodruff

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Phone Calls

Hi class,

Starting tomorrow I will be contacting each of you individually to see how you are doing and what kind of access you have to technology at home. I will be phoning and/or emailing. I hope to hear from you all.

Mr. Woodruff